Term 1


Week 9 & 10: Print-making 

Now that swimming has finished we have been able to get our teeth into our Art project. We are creating Self-Portrait prints.

So far we have designed, carved and printed a practice print with a simple picture. We are now working hard on our self-portraits.

Come and see our wall display showing the process of our print-making. We are hoping to have the finished portraits up for the beginning of Term 2.

Week 8: Sensational Seaside Senses
On Friday we had a fantastic day at Long Bay Regional Park. We used our senses to explore our local environment and learnt from the Council Educators, Chris and Tory. 
We also had a Sandcastle Competition. Mrs Ivey's group won for the best Collaborative Castle.

We also went on a Scavenger Hunt around the park. We took some great pictures at the Photo Frame.

Week 7: Sumdog

Our Reading Eggs trial ends in two weeks. We are getting much better at logging ourselves in using our own username and password.

This year we also get to use Sumdog for the whole year. We have now got our usernames and passwords for this site and we are practicing navigating the site. We will bring a copy of our password home soon.
Sumdog lets us practise our numeracy skills while having fun. Mrs MacBeth chooses skills for us to practise and the questions given should be at the right level for us. There have been a few mistakes and these are slowly being corrected.
You can download the Sumdog app for free from the AppStore or visit the site here

Week 6: Collaborative

This week were learning about our Learner Power of being Innovative. Being Innovative means coming up with ideas to fix a problem. We had a problem of a visiting leprechaun. We were given some equipment and we has to make a Leprechaun Trap in our group. It was a great opportunity to practice being Collaborative too. I wonder if any of our traps will ever catch a leprechaun??


Week 5: Reading Eggs Trial
Reading Eggs Learn to Read Programme for Kids
We are taking advantage of a free 4 week trial of Reading Eggs. 

We have three weeks remaining. The children can also use this site at home. You can download the free app in the App Store or access it via the website.

Each child has their own login, and after their initial placement test, the site tailors the lessons and games to each child's ability.

You can help us make this most of this trial by taking some time to help your child master logging in independently. They have brought home a copy of their login and password details. I would love to hear what you think of the site.

Week 4: Maths in Room 23

Our Maths groups are now up and running really well. We have 5 groups at the moment.

The Circles are learning to count backwards and identify the number before from 0-20
The Squares are learning to identify doubles to 10 and groups with 5.
The Rectangles are learning to skip count forwards and backwards in 2's, 5's and 10's to 20
The Triangles are learning to skip counting in 2's, 5's and 10's to 100 and to order numbers to 100.
The Stars are practicing skip counting in 2's, 5's and 10's to 100 and learning to use this to solve problems.

Some of the other activities we do during this time include;

Building with Lego Duplo                  Puzzles and Games that help us to practice what we are learning

iPad apps and websites help us to practice too.                                Puzzles


Soon we will begin using SumDog - a website designed to make learning fun. We will have our own login and password to remember and the games will especially chosen for us. We will share this on our blog when it begins.

Week  3: Three Bears Challenge

Room 23 worked with Ms Craig this week on a STEM challenge. We were challenged to create a bridge that could hold three bears to help them get across the river using only a few materials. We worked together practicing skills of collaboration, engineering, science and persistence. We came up with unique solutions. Here are some photos of us at work on our creations. 

Week 2: Growth Mindset

We have been talking about Growth Mindset. We can choose to be smarter at school. We are learning that making mistakes grow our brain, if we keeping on trying. We are learning to say "I can't do this YET!" 
We watched this clip about MOJO learning that he can be smarter. 

We also watched Chapter 2: The Magic of Mistakes and Chapter 3: The Power of Yet.

Week 1: Swimming

We all had a chance to get in the pool this week. Mrs Cooper and Mrs Kelly were watching us swim. Now we are in groups ready to learn new skills. We swim on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, although we may not get in the pool every time. Please help us to have our togs each day just in case it it our turn.

It has been great getting to know each other this week. I look forward to seeing you at our School Picnic and Meet the Teacher sessions on Friday (10th February).

Our First Day

Room 23 had a great first day.  It was wonderful meeting you all.

Thank you all for helping to sort stationery. It saves us so much time and we can get on with getting to know each other. 2017 is going to be a great year!


  1. Ha! Love the funny faces Room 23!

  2. They all look very happy to be back at school :-) Connor is already talking positively about how he can learn things when he makes mistakes!
